Monday, February 21, 2011


Salisbury and Amiens are alike in the sense that they are both cathedrals but they are different in the sense of when and how they were built. They both have two completely different histories.  
       *The Salisbury cathedral was built before the town.
*Amiens cathedral was built after its town.

*The Salisbury cathedral was closer and very much so a center-point of the town
*The Amiens cathedral was not as much of a central focal point because the town was built     before it was and the town wasn’t built around the cathedral.
*Cathedrals tend to be built to have immense height and reach towards the cosmos. They tend to have similar crucifix patterns and tend to have similar structural details.
*It is fitting that a cathedral is built with such intense height because it is almost as if they are trying to get them as close to heaven as possible.
*Cathedrals, such as Amiens and Salisbury are built for people to gather and celebrate their religions and to come together and worship.
*There are many symbolic connections that can be found throughout the cathedrals such as:
1) light shines through the windows throughout the structure to let natural light in and shines especially bright near where the priest stands. The preist is the highest and most significant (in holiness) in the cathedral
2) there are many instances where the number three is involve such as in patterns of architectural details . A connection can be made between that and the holy trinity.
3)The shape of the structures tend to resemble the crucifix which can be viewed as a symbolic connection to the Holy one himself. It is very symbolic of the crucifixion
Both of these cathedrals were built meticulously and they were both built very intentionally. They are very strong buildings and they are even stronger in the ways they connect religion and architecture..

1 comment:

  1. Carrieanna, your writing has really improved over the course of this semester. I think you are starting to understand connections and able to represent this through writing. Good job :)
